
You may have been wondering: just who are these peeps?

Well, we are a small team of 3 developers from the Netherlands. All of us have studied "International Game Architecture and Design" (IGAD) at the NHTV in the Netherlands, an international education training people in the ways of games- and software development. The study itself houses several distinct variations: Design & Production, Visual Art and Programming. Besides being co-workers we are also best friends and not only enjoy creating games together, but also playing them!

Being trained as such, we all started working in the industry at several levels, but decided to create a game of our own as well. Because of this we are exclusively working on CatByte Games' projects in our spare time, but that doesn't stop us from making a great game!

(See links on the bottom of the page for more information on IGAD)

So let's meet the team!

Thom de Moor

Team Lead, Programmer
Loves programming, playing games, cats and doing some visual art on occasion.

"Hi! I really love creating and playing games. I was always fascinated with the possibilities of computers, from a very early stage I started experimenting with them which ultimately led me to game development. After studying IGAD from 2010 till 2014, I rolled into the industry creating both Entertainment Games as well as Serious/Applied Games. But creating AI Vendetta with my best friends and colleagues is the thing I love doing most!"

Rens van der Meijs

Programmer, Sound-Artist
Loves programming, playing the piano and making a LOT of puns.

"Oh hello there! I really enjoy programming, especially when it comes down to designing code architectures and dynamic systems. When I'm not programming in C++ or C#, you can usually find me behind my piano where I work on some soundtracks and smash the C# key in an attempt to create music, including for AI Vendetta! When I'm not working or playing music, I'm usually playing games with my mates or watching movies!"

Davey Grotendorst

Game Designer
Loves designing and scripting for games, creating mods for games and engage in game communities. Goes by the name of Giant Dave or the Guy with the Hair.

"Hey there! I've always loved playing games and coming up with my own ideas for them. A few years ago I finally started making those ideas come to life through making mods and creating small game prototypes. Now that I've gotten experienced in scripting and prototyping, nothing can stop me from making engaging experiences for players! Doing so alone is no fun, which is why I love working in small teams, like with AI Vendetta. Even when I'm not working on games I'm probably either playing them or starting discussions on game related forums." 

More info on IGAD: